Welcome and thanks for stopping by!  KaySahai Designs is a boutique studio that originated with handmade jewelry, including selling periodically at local events and flea markets in the Central Florida area. Today the catalog also includes a line of home items, as well as publications.

Yet who is the KaySahai Designs customer? The KaySahai Designs customer is holistic. They also value work-life balance. So while this studio’s focus is design, fundamentally, what it encourages is well-being.

What We Offer

Express Your Natural Chic with this Collection

The “Chic in Stripes” collection offers a design that can be expressed in so many ways. Its sleek lines work …

A Collection that Supports Work-life Balance and Well-being

While in the midst of life’s daily routine and bustle, it is necessary to take a moment to find our …

Steps to Create a Website

An effective website is aesthetically pleasing, while having a clear and consistent conceptual structure. A functional website is also technically …

Create a Pleasant, Moderate Space with this “Carolina” Collection

 “Carolina” Home Collection has a clarity of style that creates effortless decor. First of all, these brown, beige and black …

Create a Romantic Decor with this Collection

“Checkered Morning” is a versatile collection, which though understated at first glance, adds a balanced, exhilaration to any room. This …

Add a Rustic, “Taste of Turquoise”

“Taste of Turquoise” is a collection with a rustic and bold look that usually gives an area both character and …

Add a Tropical Flair with this Collection

Decorative pillows can add a pop of color to any space. The ones from this particular collection, balance warm and …

How to Make a Jewelry Line

Here’s how to make a jewelry line for you or your business; items include a bracelet, a necklace, and a …